18 of the Most Unforgettable Finds People Discovered in the Trash

Certain sights stick in your memory simply because they made you say, “Huh, would you look at that?” One Redditor likely had this reaction when they showed up at an open house to clear out junk and stumbled upon a 55-gallon drum of M&M’s in an otherwise empty basement. That many M&M’s is impossible to forget.

Other Redditors have also shared their incredibly memorable trash finds, including the contents of a mysterious black trash bag that should have stayed a mystery.

Garbage men in France find 2 cats in a garbage bag inside of their garbage truck
by iniamatotalpieceofshit
Found in Garbage
byu/renee112601 inPyrex_Love
Found in the Garbage!
byu/NotSure421 inps2
Garbage find
byu/masmediaspace invintageaudio
byu/Kelikaii from discussion
byu/Kelikaii from discussion
byu/Kelikaii from discussion
byu/timtooltime from discussion
What are some of your coolest VHS Garbage Finds. Mine are these Two Nightmare on Elm Street Tapes.
byu/stevengilbert611 inVHS
Amazing Trash find!
byu/Freddyfox21 inretrogaming
Trash find
byu/Internal-Successful in8mm
Find from the trash
byu/Crash_The_Bikes incrtgaming
Cousances trash find
byu/FunIndividual575 inLeCreuset
Trash find, keeper?
byu/Nameistaken321 infinechina
Man finds ballots, other mail tossed into trash cans in Santa Monica
byu/BearsNecessity innews
byu/Grendel877 from discussion
The things you find in the trash…
byu/MasterOfSaikyo inicecreamery
Guy find tons of perfectly new products in the dumpster at cvs
byu/Swimming_Volume_4009 inAnticonsumption


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